. . . it’s what you attract by the person you become”. This quotation from business philosopher Jim Rohn has been resonating lately with my sales presentation and speech communication clients. [...]
“He must practice an economy of movement, with no extraneous effort – the carriage of his body straight and lofty; his pacing measured and kept within bounds; lunging only to the point, and [...]
You can tell a lot about the confidence of people through how they seat themselves at a boardroom table – for example, at the start of a meeting. Less confident people will ‘allow’ the [...]
I was recently re-reading an Economist article entitled Standing Tall – Why good posture helps you. In the article the research of Li Huang and Adam Galinsky was discussed. Now you’ve heard [...]
If you’re a manager, consider having a ‘Listening station’ near your desk as your designated place to listen to your direct reports and other people who want to talk with you. Let me explain. [...]
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