When using a story can have negative consequences
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Michael K
Let me start by saying, that the use of a story, is one of the best ways to make an idea stick the mind of the listener and/or prompt a listener to take action. However, reflecting on my interactions with clients, colleagues and prospective clients, it seems many people overesteem the use of stories and of storytelling. It seems people believe that telling story has no downside.
At times, the use of a story can have negative consequences.
It can result in a person making a bad decision.
Here’s an example . . .
I read about a story of a man, who wanted to buy a car and was considering purchasing a Volvo because he liked the safety record of Volvo vehicles. However, his brother-in-law shared with the man, a vivid, emotional story about a isolated bad experience of an accident involving a Volvo.
After hearing the evocative story the man decided against buying a Volvo. On reflection, the man came to the conclusion that he was swayed too much by the power of the story, and that the best decision indeed, was to buy a Volvo.
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The take-away message is this.
Be aware, that hearing a story – particularly a powerful one – might cause you to make a bad decision.