
Confident Personal Communications

Module 16

Click to read the script of the module

Let me propose that most people with power want to use it wisely, if someone believable would tell them how, in a simple way.

The key messages for this Module is:

  1. Project energy and certainty through your voice face and body
  2. Simplicity sells
  3. Use the Message, Flesh out message, Repeat Message, Ask for approval structure

Thank you for your time. My message is this. That you sign-off on 2.5 million dollars for the Karl software. These are the reasons why. Number One: You’ll remember the system crash and reputational damage that PQR suffered three months ago. This software will prevent that from happening to us.

Number Two: It will push $750,000 to the bottom line each year for the next five years, and I can document that. And number three. The software can be installed with minimal operation downtime. My message again. That you sign off on $2.5 million dollars for the Karl software. Do I have your approval?

As you saw in that example, I looked confident, composed and unrushed as I sat down, and then I delivered a simple message for action, fleshed out that message with three strong points, repeated the message and then asked for approval.

After asking for approval say nothing. Wait for a response from the people in the room. Of course at this point you have to be well prepared to answer any question the audience might ask you.

Key Message

  1. Project energy and certainty through your voice, face and body.
  2. Simplicity sells
  3. Use the Message, Flesh out message, Repeat Message, Ask for approval structure

Please practice this first in safe interactions first until you’re able to perform it competently.

Your tasks

To do right now, or to complete within the next 30 minutes:

Consider this. If you could have any resource to help you do your job better, what would that resource be? Perhaps it would be a new piece of software, or another person to work with you, or attendance at a training workshop.

Now write out a short presentation for this resource that you could deliver to your boss or other decision maker, using the Message, Flesh-out the message, Repeat the message, Ask for Approval, structure. That is, start with, ‘Boss my message is this, that you sign-off on . . . etc’.

Don’t worry if it’s a bit rough. As with other tasks in this programme the practice will help make a habit of using this structure in your live boardroom pitches.

What else could you do to put into practice ideas from this Module? Take 13 seconds to see if an idea pops up. Maybe watch the Module again if you have time.