This little known speech may be Obama’s best

 In Body language, Delivery, Facial expression, Learning from Luminaries, Luminary, News, Politicians, The Winning Voice, Video

In my view, the best three speeches Barack Obama has delivered, in no particular order, are the:

(1) Eighteen minute, 27 July 2004 Democratic National Committee (DNC) Convention speech, that launched him onto the national stage in the United States.

(2) Eighteen minute 4 November 2007 presidential victory acceptance speech

(3) Thirty-seven minute 18 March 2008 A more perfect union, speech about the issue of race in U.S. delivered during Obama’s first presidential election campaign. Here is information about the speech and what prompted it.

The ‘A more perfect union’ speech is less well known than the other two speeches.

However, political analyst Michelle Bernard said it was

“the best speech and most important speech on race

that we have heard as a nation since Martin Luther King‘s ‘I Have a Dream‘ speech.”

My view, is that the speech is pitch-perfect.

Here is again the LINK to the ‘A more perfect union’ speech

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My suggestion to you is to do this:

(1) Watch the first 1:10 minutes of speech**

(2) As you watch note:

Obama’s steely facial expression in the first 10 seconds of the speech and throughout the speech. First impressions are so important – and Obama’s countenance and the somber feeling tone signalled that his words, from the get-go, were not said lightly.

His measured speaking cadence, that aligned with the gravity he placed on his words. Each measure of speaking seemed like Obama was, brick by brick, constructing the foundation for the rest of the speech.

How the clip well conveyed the sentiment of the Roman poet Horace’s quotation: “If you want me to weep, you must first of all feel grief yourself.” That is, Obama, feeling deep emotion about race and race relations, made his audience feel deep emotion about race and relations.

** Of course watch the entire speech if it interests you.

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