Confident, composed, clear & convincing. My analysis of RBA Governor’s 1st press conference
HOW does Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi PERFORM in an INTERVIEW?
Leaving aside what you think Uber, below is my analysis of the the company's Dara Khoshrowshahi's presentation of himself and messages, in a 2019 interview with luminary, uber (excuse the pun) [...]
The POWER of it, CAN’T be OVER-estimated . . .
Recently a client of mine - a CIO of a major federal, government department - told me the power of my suggestion to develop a regular habit of using his phone to video record himself [...]
DOES your BODY language PROJECT self-DOUBT in video meetings?
When people interact with you in video meetings, what do they perceive? In Module Four of The Art of communication through video conferencing series**, I shared that, when entering a [...]
KEY techniques for PRODUCTIVE video/tele CONFERENCES
As many of you will be working remotely for the forseeable future, below are techniques I've developed for video/teleconferences. As well, you'd find sample copy to email to participants prior [...]
What MAKES for a TOP executive COMMUNICATOR
RUSHING is junior – ‘OWNING’ time … is senior
Last week I conducted a Delivering memorable messages programme for board members of [...]

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