T. Friedman of NYT shows HOW to ‘OWN’ SPACE

 In Body language, Delivery, Environment, Facial expression, Gesturing, Journalist, Learning from Luminaries, Luminary, News, Owning space, Q&A, The Winning Voice, Voice
In a 4 minute 44 second clip below, of an interview with Charlie Rose, New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman owns the physical space through body movement and gestures that are seamlessly meshed with his voice and the points he makes.

This performance (please see link below) by Friedman’s is mesmerising, and an impressive example of a highly expressive, visual communicator.

Some people have found Friedman’s gestures distracting. If you do, let me suggest you leave this aside – as there is much you can learn from him.

Too much gesturing can distract the audience.  However, my view is that Friedman’s gesturing adds richness to his communication.

Overall Comment

Friedman’s performance is ‘all of one piece’. That is – his words, voice, body language and feeling tone ‘sing in tune’.

My body language and speech analysis of certain sections of the clip

  • First 22 seconds

After a speech stumble at the start, note at the 12 second mark, how Friedman shift gears, punches the space with hand gestures, accelerates his cadence, and increases his voice and body energy – when repeating the phrase ‘At this time’.

This high energy and speed counterpoints the slow, low energy and speed opening.

He continues with the accelerated cadence, finishing this section in a flourish with hands moving from high to low paired with ‘its 30,000 feet and then come down.’

  • 22 – 45 second section

Note how he sweeps one hand away from the other to demonstrate passage of time. He marks points on the table with specific gestures to accompany the geographic places he had visited.

With both hands in tandem, he then marks out three areas from left to right in coordination with three separate events in time. That is, ‘from iron empires to iron fists to iron domes’. (this triplet of phrases beginning with iron is the literary device, anaphora).

  • 1:47 – 1:55 second section

Note the superb ‘hand puppetry’ explaining the ‘iron fist leader being surrounded by intelligent services’.

  • 2:14 – 2:16 second section

Note the sharp, karate chop gestures coordinated with ‘I’m going to protect you, from you’.

  • 2:16 > end of clip (things to note, in sequential order)

Sway and swagger of body and arms.

Vertical hand slice paired with ‘decapitating’.

Interlacing fingers with ‘people come together’.

Vertical hand chop.

Hypnotic voice acceleration and deceleration with sudden pausing.

‘Don’t come to a hockey game prepared to play by the rules of touch football’ metaphor.

Strong point making, expressed through hands in tandem, up and down karate chops, with staccato cadence ‘it’s not how it works . . . real force on the ground’.

Summing up by returning to his opening point, ‘It’s the problem from hell’.


When we observe the Face-to-Face communication of any person we don’t make those observations in a vacuum. We make judgements about a person – overtly or latently cognizant of the person’s reputation, and at times, the circumstances at the time of the communication.

Friedman is a luminary journalist in foreign affairs and on the Middle East. If we know of the luminary status prior to observing him – we’ll more readily give him our initial attention due to this reputation.

But even if we didn’t know him, (and leaving aside whether we are interested in the topic or not) after 12 seconds of viewing, due to his performance, we’d mark him as a luminary. He speaks, present, handles and conducts himself in a manner consistent with that of a luminary.

My only improvement suggestion for Friedman is that he should sit taller by lengthening his neck at the back and extending the crown of his head toward the ceiling.

Powerful communicators come in a variety of ‘flavours’. Friedman is just one of those flavours.

Here is the LINK to the clip 


Own the Conversation

Here’s an Expert modelling process – I recommend you trial – that I use in my One-on-One training, that my clients find valuable.

1. Choose a short section of the Friedman clip that resonates with you. 50 seconds is ample.

2. Watch the section and memorise it verbatim.  Film your practice delivery of the section: the exact words, and your imitation of Friedman’s cadence, body language and voice delivery.

3. Repetitively deliver and playback/watch your performance (the words, voice cadence, body language) and compare it to Friedman’s delivery.

4. Continue Step #3 until you can perform it at a high level, while putting your individual mark on it.

5. In safe interactions, practice ‘channelling’ the body language, cadence and voice you’ve practiced (obviously with different words). Reflect on its impact.

p.s. Check out this trial of my popular, powerful video learning programme Confident Personal Communication because it can help you upgrade your personal communication impact.

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