Here’s my best customer service experience

 In Mindset

Professional, knowledgeable, friendly. These adjectives describe a customer service person I interacted with at an Apple shop last month.

Jack’s (not his real name – his manager didn’t want me to reveal it) service was all the more remarkable as I entered the shop with an impression of Apple as an arrogant company, with a very high bar of what excellent customer service should be like and feel like for a customer, and with a long history of mediocre/poor interactions with I.T. people.

Let me elaborate on why Jack was so good.

1.      He immediately connected with me through fully facing me, holding eye contact and smiling. He projected an easy professionalism and a genuine interest in me and my needs.

2.      He listened attentively to my needs from what I needed from a Macbook Pro (I needed to connect the computer to a camera for my video shoots).

3.      He guided me through the steps (at a pace that suited me) of how to use the device (this was my first time ever using a Mac).

4.      He didn’t have any hint of patronisation when I fumbled through the instructions.

5.      He patiently waited while I took notes and he re-explained things I didn’t understand. He was very knowledgeable. He could answer most questions I asked. If he wasn’t sure he said so and said he could find the answer.

6.      He tried to save me money on a firewire purchase (he had one in stock, but suggested I might get a better price at another shop – I did go to a nearby Dick Smith. They no longer stocked the item. However, the surliness, and general unhelpful attitude of the Dick Smith rep was palpable in contrast to Jack).

7.      He took the necessary time needed to finish the demonstration (ie. he didn’t rush me off, so he could get on to something else).

8.      He ended the interaction my facing me, holding eye contact and smiling.

I could go on about Jack – but I won’t at this time.

I gave Jack a rap to his shop manager on the day. The manager said Jack was one of the best people he had.

In summary, Jack was a class act.

The ‘how to apply’ for this post: In the next seven days, in your sales presentations or interactions, reflect on and then apply one of the above behaviours that Jack displayed.

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