To begin with

Quick techniques to boost your communication skills

This is a selection of my most popular articles to get you started on your journey to becoming a master communicator.

Keep attention – with an ‘unpredictable wind’ voice
Use these field-tested pitch techniques to hook your audience
Learn what to avoid from this true pitch story of wasting time
My best technique to not day dream
A 6 step formal speaking structure for your presentation delivery
How to Nail your Q&A session
Obama’s special speaking sauce exposed
J. Rohn’s timeless message. Work harder on yourself than on your job
A powerful question to answer to frame your pitch planning
The power of Intentional Daily Practice explained
The greates enemy of communication explained

Browse our other resource categories

Body languageFacial expressions, gestures and how you move
DeliveryYour message through the use of your body, voice and words
EnvironmentThe setting and context of a communication event
Learning from LuminariesDescription for Learning from Luminaries
ListeningNurture trust and understanding by how you listen
Message creationBetter prepare, plan and structure your messages
MindsetYour thinking processes on how to approach an interaction, meeting or presentation

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