Passion sells – How to engage and excite your listeners
My perennial message to my clients is – Perceived genuine passion ‘sells’.
That is, if your audience perceives you to be passionate about your message, they will want to ‘buy’ the message. They will want to ‘buy’ you.
I include the ‘perceived’ word, because there are many communicators who are genuinely passionate about their messages, but the audience can not perceive that passion through their senses. The audience can’t see the passion and/or hear the passion and/or feel the passion.
Why do I mention this?
In this What makes this song great**18:39 minute clip, Rick Beato’s presentation of himself and communication of his ideas is a superb example of ‘Perceived genuine passion sells’. Watch some or all of the clip to get a feel for Beato’s passion.
You might find fascinating – as I did – Beato’s analysis of Nirvana’s Smells like Teen Spirit.
(** I thank Peter Dicks for alerting me to Rick Beato’s work)
Here is the LINK for the clip
Own the Conversation
Implementation suggestion
Using Beato as an expert model of genuine passion projection.
- Craft a sentence(s) about what drew you to your field of endeavour/job role et al.
- Video record yourself delivering that sentence.
- Watch the video clip and judge how your passion compares to Beato’s.
- Repeat the video recording until you approximate Beato’s passion level.
- If the above step prove worthwhile, experiment in safe interactions with using your new passion in describing something you’re excited about.
p.s. This is the last post for the year. I thank my regular readers, some-time readers and new readers for making the time to read the posts.