This 6:53 minute, harrowing speech – by Yeonmi Park – may make you shed a tear. (please see link below).
And the reason you may shed a tear, is because Park is deeply grieved.
Here is the LINK
Here is the TRANSCRIPT of the speech.
Own the Conversation
A lesson from Park’s speech is this.
A good speech/presentation is good, because it makes you feel something, and/or remember something and/or do something.
If you want your audiences to feel deeply about your spoken messages or have a deep memory of you and your message and/or act promptly on your messages – you first – must feel deeply about the importance of your message.
Park’s speech has made me feel sorrow. It has left a searing memory with me, and it has made me investigate how I might help the plight of North Koreans.
DO THIS: For the next seven days, before you deliver an important message, reflect on and feel – at a deeper level that you normally would – the importance of your message. Then, channel that feeling into your delivery of the message.
p.s. One of the first laws of movie making – is to KEEP ATTENTION. The same law applies to speaking.
Many speakers lose the attention of the audience because they bore the ears of their listeners, through a monotonous voice speed, pitch, volume, cadence etc. – so their minds wander to the chicken and dry cleaning they need to pick-up on their way home from work.
Here is a post with a simple, powerful ‘Unpredictable wind’ metaphor on how to use your voice to keep the attention of your audiences.