

What is mindset and why it is important to becoming a master communicator?

Mindset is a set of attitudes you have. A communication mindset is your thinking processes in how to approach an interaction, meeting, presentation etc.

Mindset is important because quality of your mindset correlates with the quality of your communication delivery.

Master your mindset with this collection of articles.

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How to network without feeling dirty
Your first meeting, as a leader of a new team, is crucial
Knowledge versus Data
Do you take the emotion out of your communication?
How to avoid ‘verbal diarrhoea’
Even surgeons require coaching
Why you should seek an honest critic
When using a story can have negative consequences
Conquer fear when presenting
This golfing tip will make you a better communicator
Success and the art of deep thinking
Powerful, subtle techniques to ‘own a room’
Here’s how to feel more comfortable with small talk
A better alternative for “Thanks for having me”
How to approach the job market with confidence
Want an engaging conversation? Make sure to ask these two questions
Passion sells – How to engage and excite your listeners
Q&A is not the time to make a speech
Ask this question after every senior exec meeting
How to confidently ask a senior exec for help
Dropbox founder Drew Houston on what to do with feedback
Analysis of Optus CEO’s response to cyber attack
How well do you sell your ideas?
Lessons on ‘How to Speak’ from luminary MIT Professor
How top leaders welcome feedback
Is visualisation undermining you achieving your goals?
Where fear gets its power
Launching my Social Responsibility for seniors
Do you ask enough questions?
The danger of saying “I let my work speak for itself”
A simple way to handle a tedious conversation
Impactful quotations to improve how you communicate
How to kick-start your presentation
The key reason why Boris Johnson is still U.K. Prime Minister
Difficult conversations in the post-pandemic era
How to sustain your competitive advantage
How to move past ‘feeling inauthentic’ when communicating
How sharp is your belief in yourself?
Give your audience a reason to listen
Can people set their clock by what you say?
My three, top tips for more productive hybrid meetings
If you’re hesitant to ask for help – you’re an amateur
Leadership lessons from psychopaths
Do you have a policy for hybrid meetings?
Performance contributes only 10% to career growth
When was the last time you reviewed your leadership principles?
When you open Q&A – never use this question
Stop DAYDREAMING & stay PRESENT with this tip
Why you CHOKE & what to DO about it
LeBron James & Kobe Bryant’s Coach on Winning a Pitch
5 top tips for PRESENTING to your BOARD
My simple process to AVOID being INTERRUPTED
HOW a DOCTOR’S, exam prep TIPS can HELP you
The DANGER of PREconceived NOTIONS
Do you HAVE a FEAR of being INTERRUPTED?
Executives: Can YOU Be Compassionate and DEMANDING?
J. Seinfeld’s POWER Strategy YOU can USE right AWAY
CAN you HELP? My One, BIG Beautiful QUESTION
KEYS to BRINGing out the BEST in YOURSELF and others
FOUR minutes = a FULL Day
DO you SQUANDER Your First HOUR?
Are YOU a GREAT Simplifier?
VIDEO: Communication TIPs when WEARING a face MASK
EVERY TIME you SPEAK, you’re AUDITIONING for leadership
HOW to ‘SELL’ yourself and your MESSAGE – James SPADER
Job INTERVIEW? Do you KNOW how to NAIL the CRUCIAL first 7 minutes
WHY being ASSERTIVE in VIDEO meetings, PAYS-off
What’s the BEST facial EXPRESSION to ENTER with?
Will the handshake SURVIVE?
How to MAKE your VOICE sound FRESH & NEW
LEADERSHIP tips from former TWITTER MD
REQUIRED reading for LEADERS – E. Shackleton’s LESSONS
PM Morrison’s STATESMANLIKE presentation
WORDS of HOPE for a Panicked WORLD
5 PROVEN tips for PRESENTING to your BOARD
Do you MAKE this MISTAKE in the BOARDROOM?
TIP for ‘NEW to Australia’, NON-English EXECUTIVES
What MATTERS is WHAT the ‘customer’ PERCEIVES’, pt.2
B. Hartzer – what matters is what the ‘customer’ perceives
Create QUESTIONS to enliven your CURIOUSITY
People can SEE your COMB-OVER
STOP Press: NEW Video – PLAN and DELIVER memorable presentations
GENERAL C. Powell’s BEST under-PRESSURE techniques
‘MIRACLE on the Hudson’ SULLY’S daily deposit LESSON
Are you a ‘PRE-PACKAGED’ leader?
Are you one of those SERIOUS looking executives?
“What people say and do in the most innocent situations . . .
Your speaking less so make it count when you do
Power and preparation steps before your ask for a raise
Four posts to prompt a positive mindset
Wind, Passenger, Anchor metaphor – which one are you?
Process for knowing if you have a self-serving bias
Don’t depress your grandkids – Give yourself a voiceLIFT
Three hard to say sentences that execs don’t say enough
BDMs – ‘How do I fool myself . . . ‘
How to judge if you need your ego stroked
Are you pursuing authenticity at a cost?
Why aim fire – aim fire has replaced ready, aim fire
How being overly positive can get your in to trouble
Gauging how to give and receive feedback techniques
The danger of always being too positive
How to have an undefeated mind
Three questions that will tell you what your people think of you
Wind, Passenger, Anchor metaphor – which one are you?
Is a bias for taking action costing you?
Have a higher type of conviction inspired by A Lincoln
A technique to counter an oversized ego
The cost of bad manners that are not highlighted
What’s most important about you commuicatin at work? 26 responses
Learn how your career will be defined
Learn an Aboriginal lesson about not being threatened by silence
What gets senior execs riled up
If you want to be successful be a believable messenger
The value of letting other people blow their stack
The danger of being overly optimistic
Learn why telling the truth is not a tactic
How to assume the buyer mentality when you’re with a prospect
Do you believe this is the end?
Three simple questions to answer regarding a potential relationship
Why you should praise effort versus intelligence
Maintain these relationship for when you job is no more
A quote to ponder to help you lift your game
Transparency – People can see your comb-over
10 questions to answer before giving up on a drea
A sharp message to ‘toughen you up’ from 50 cent
What’s needed to know something in a deep versus shallow way
Where senior execs miscue when reaching the corner office
How to teach others so you learn too
Words and syntax for an unresponsive prospect
The power of ‘The universe rewards action’
9 enduring principles for running a successful enterprise
A great question to ask yourself before speaking
Ways to increase your willpower
Solve many of your problems with 10 phone calls per day
Dig your well before you’re thirsty, explained
Why senior execs should buy their people lunch
The worth of ‘small wins’
A practical email template that will get you authentic feedback
A powerful habit of highly productive people
A true story on being courageous and not waiting for permission
A way to reduce management speak
Why seeking out ‘loving critics’ pays off
A message to help you when you don’t seem to be improving
An easy way to understand what you’re clients think of you
Why you need to learn with a process – not an event
A great question to counter your overconfidence
How to lead when you’re not the boss
Why being serious doesn’t mean being intelligent
Here’s my best customer service experience
The best verus worst presenters – the key difference
Why leaders should be a ‘Beacon of hope’
Senior execs responses to, ‘What’s the first job of a leader?’
Attract versus pursue success explained
Why repeated practice makes you better, not false
Why deepening yourself can make you’re a better leader
Here an easy way to practice for informal interaction with senior execs
J. Rohn’s timeless message. Work harder on yourself than on your job
Do you talk/don’t talk from nervousness?
A simple technique to make a strong connection with people
An imagery technique for being better presenter
A system to wrtie down your wins
Here’s key knowledge to have before giving feedback
Why talent is overrated
Good Salespeople Make themselves | AFR
Handling fear in sales presentations: Technique two
Handling fear in sales presentations: Technique one
Explanation of Energy is 70% of a job
The greates enemy of communication explained

Browse our other resource categories

Body languageFacial expressions, gestures and how you move
DeliveryYour message through the use of your body, voice and words
EnvironmentThe setting and context of a communication event
Learning from LuminariesDescription for Learning from Luminaries
ListeningNurture trust and understanding by how you listen
Message creationBetter prepare, plan and structure your messages
Quick StartQuick techniques to boost your communication skills

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