LeBron James & Kobe Bryant’s Coach on Winning a Pitch

 In Behaviour change, Delivery, Environment, Learning from Luminaries, Listening, Luminary, Media, Message creation, Mindset, News, Sports people, Stories, The Winning Voice, Video

Mike Krzyzewsky (widely know as ‘Coach K’) long time head coach of Duke University men’s basketball team, and prior head coach of the USA men’s Olympic basketball team – and arguably The Greatest Of All-Time (GOAT) USA college, basketball coach – has some sage advice for those of you who are leading a pitch team. (Contained in the below 25:05 minute interview with David Rubenstein).

Coach K has coached LeBron James, Kobe Bryant and other luminary NBA (National Basketball Association) stars.

The whole clip is great but specifically watch the 16:30-17:06 segment where Coach K shares the standards he and his teams get agreement on.

Here’s the LINK for the clip

Own the Conversation

Aligned to the Coach K’s advice in the clip segment, my strong recommendation is this.

If you are leading a pitch (particularly a major pitch) you should emulate Coach K.

That is, for the first, pitch team meeting – get everyone involved in a pitch in a room, and get clear agreement on the standards you’re going to ‘live’ by, and how you will communicate during the pitch process.

Here are standards Coach K’s teams live by:

We’re going to look people in the eye.

We’re going to tell each other the truth

We’re going to have each other’s back.

We’re going to show strong faces.

We’re never going to be late.

We’re going to be enthusiastic.

We’re going to win and lose together.

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