Learning from Luminaries
Why is learning from luminaries important?
Master communicators learn from top performers. They are able to watch or read about a top performer and adapt that learning to upgrade their personal communication.
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The Power of Simplicity: Why Clear Messaging Matters More Than Ever
Can You Handle the Truth? The CEO Feedback Challenge
Al Pacino Unleashed: In a League of His Own
How to craft a clear message
Jargon monoxide and how to fix it
How to network without feeling dirty
How to communicate like George Clooney
Your first meeting, as a leader of a new team, is crucial
Better understand your team by using these questions
Are you being judged by the way you speak?
Knowledge versus Data
Do you take the emotion out of your communication?
Are you a leader or a manager?
When under pressure, are you brilliant at the basics?
Confident, composed, clear & convincing. My analysis of RBA Governor’s 1st press conference
Get promoted more quickly, by solving problems
You’ll be replaced, if you’re not a excellent communicator
How best to answer questions in a job interview?
Did you believe the messenger? My analysis of the Optus CEO’s response to the outage
The secret to projecting power and influence
Structuring an IT pitch presentation using AI
Do you cram in too much information when you present?
Analysis of Qantas CEO update
How to avoid ‘verbal diarrhoea’
Even surgeons require coaching
Does status make you stupid?
Why you should seek an honest critic
Be prepared for every presentation with this cheat sheet
How to interject in a meeting
When using a story can have negative consequences
Do you have what it takes to be an enterprise leader?
Conquer fear when presenting
This golfing tip will make you a better communicator
Success and the art of deep thinking
Do you feel pressured to speak when no one else is talking?
General Stanley McChrystal’s five step process for getting things done
Use AI to create a hook for your presentation
Learn from Morgan Freeman’s gravitas
Do you sound under-educated?
Powerful, subtle techniques to ‘own a room’
Learn from the magnetism of former U.S. president Bill Clinton
Robert F. Kennedy’s 50% rule for being successful
Here’s how to feel more comfortable with small talk
Scoring NSW Premier D. Perrottet and NSW Opposition leader C. Minns
A better alternative for “Thanks for having me”
Don’t make this mistake at the start of your job interview
This little known speech may be Obama’s best
How to approach the job market with confidence
Want an engaging conversation? Make sure to ask these two questions
Passion sells – How to engage and excite your listeners
Learn from one of the greatest U.S. speeches of the last 40 years
Always tell your audience how long you’ll be speaking for – and stick to it!
Q&A is not the time to make a speech
Here’s how to ‘own’ and occupy physical space when communicating
Ask this question after every senior exec meeting
Sunak’s statesmanlike performance in PM speech
How to confidently ask a senior exec for help
How to stop ending your speaking turn, with “Yeah”
Dropbox founder Drew Houston on what to do with feedback
Eckhart Tolle’s secret for speaking without fear
Measured, believable speaking from Union Leader Alex Claassens
Why feedback is the essence of intelligence
How well do you sell your ideas?
Lessons on ‘How to Speak’ from luminary MIT Professor
How top leaders welcome feedback
7 ways to make an impact without speaking
Is your handshake letting you down?
Powerful body language techniques you can use immediately
Is visualisation undermining you achieving your goals?
Where fear gets its power
Why talent is overrated
Launching my Social Responsibility for seniors
Captivate your audience through charismatic speaking
Do you ask enough questions?
The danger of saying “I let my work speak for itself”
A simple way to handle a tedious conversation
Impactful quotations to improve how you communicate
Accenture CEO on how to package a message
How to kick-start your presentation
Compulsory reading for Start-ups
How accurate is your perception of yourself?
Anthony Albanese – How stumbling when you speak undermines your message
Stop Press! New ‘Behind the Voice’ YouTube channel launch
The key reason why Boris Johnson is still U.K. Prime Minister
Difficult conversations in the post-pandemic era
Anthony Albanese’s best speech to date
How to sustain your competitive advantage
How to move past ‘feeling inauthentic’ when communicating
How sharp is your belief in yourself?
Give your audience a reason to listen
Can people set their clock by what you say?
Medvedev’s self-destructive beliefs
My three, top tips for more productive hybrid meetings
Does your culture foster inquiry or punishment?
Are you just winging your presentations?
If you’re hesitant to ask for help – you’re an amateur
Leadership lessons from psychopaths
Every meeting is an opportunity for self-branding
Do you have a policy for hybrid meetings?
Performance contributes only 10% to career growth
Remembering Colin Powell
Ernest Hemingway on getting the words right
When should you schedule a face to face, versus a virtual meeting?
Leadership lessons from former Westpac CEO Brian Hartzer
When was the last time you reviewed your leadership principles?
When you open Q&A – never use this question
How counting your ‘ums’ & ‘ahs’ can make you a better speaker
Canadian PM Justin TRUDEAU on how to HANDLE a QUESTION
Stop DAYDREAMING & stay PRESENT with this tip
WHY your VIRTUAL communication STILL needs WORK
LEARN the art of APOLOGY from former UK PM, David CAMERON
Don’t CHOKE with this TIP from Ash BARTY’S Mindset Coach
Why you CHOKE & what to DO about it
WIN Your PITCH with this Tip from KOBE Bryant’s Coach
Why we’re still NOT listening to Anthony Albanese
LeBron James & Kobe Bryant’s Coach on Winning a Pitch
How Gen. Colin POWELL projects CERTAINTY when he communicates
5 top tips for PRESENTING to your BOARD
My simple process to AVOID being INTERRUPTED
How to communicate like DENIRO & PACINO
HOW does Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi PERFORM in an INTERVIEW?
HOW a DOCTOR’S, exam prep TIPS can HELP you
The DANGER of PREconceived NOTIONS
The POWER of it, CAN’T be OVER-estimated . . .
Do you HAVE a FEAR of being INTERRUPTED?
WHAT is Your BODY Language SAYING about YOU?
Executives: Can YOU Be Compassionate and DEMANDING?
J. Seinfeld’s POWER Strategy YOU can USE right AWAY
HOW to INTRODUCE Yourself – the RIGHT Way
The BEST Communication – Right MESSAGE, Right TONE…RFK
KEYS to BRINGing out the BEST in YOURSELF and others
The RIGHT way to SIT, stand, GESTURE & move your BODY
FOUR minutes = a FULL Day
BIDEN – impassioned, GENUINE & statesmanlike in victory SPEECH
DO you SQUANDER Your First HOUR?
Are YOU a GREAT Simplifier?
VIDEO: Communication TIPs when WEARING a face MASK
Five SURE FIRE ways to UP your LISTENING Game
EVERY TIME you SPEAK, you’re AUDITIONING for leadership
Obama’s SPEECH at 2020 DNC, Deconstructed
Are YOU demonstrating AMBIGUOUS leadership?
HOW to ‘SELL’ yourself and your MESSAGE – James SPADER
HOW to be MEMORABLE when everyone else is FORGETTABLE
HOW to DEAL with an AGGRESSIVE audience member – OBAMA masterclass
Job INTERVIEW? Do you KNOW how to NAIL the CRUCIAL first 7 minutes
Do you HAVE a PLAYBOOK for video office SET-UP and VIRTUAL communication?
HOW does Joe BIDEN come ACROSS in person? – first person EXPERIENCE
How to STOP being perceived as SUBMISSIVE and START projecting YOURself with CONFIDENCE
GUIDE on WHEN to do FACE to Face versus VIDEO meetings, RE-visited
What’s the BEST facial EXPRESSION to ENTER with?
GET more speaking IMPACT with this DRILL
How to MAKE your VOICE sound FRESH & NEW
LEADERSHIP tips from former TWITTER MD
REQUIRED reading for LEADERS – E. Shackleton’s LESSONS
PM Morrison’s STATESMANLIKE presentation
OWNING space – DON’T ‘GLUE’ your UPPER arms
DON’T walk away – LEADERSHIP communication when ATTACKED
B. Hartzer – what matters is what the ‘customer’ perceives
Create QUESTIONS to enliven your CURIOUSITY
Why – “If ONLY I had SAID this” – is the WRONG strategy
DON’T Present LIKE Steve JOBS
GENERAL C. Powell’s BEST under-PRESSURE techniques
LEARN from the IDEAL Orator – CICERO
M. Obama’s ORATORY revisited – Enthusiasm ‘SELLS’
‘MIRACLE on the Hudson’ SULLY’S daily deposit LESSON
TIP-of-the-TONGUE & how to HANDLE it
T. Friedman of NYT shows HOW to ‘OWN’ SPACE
FLAT, uninspiring, stilted FIRST SPEECH – A. Albanese
D. TRUMP & H. CLINTON debate analysis RE-VISITED
PM Morrison WINS first election DEBATE
U.S. President FDR on how to SIMPLIFY a MESSAGE
PM S. Morrison LOSING his COOL
DIGNITY – J. Gillard’s concession speech RE-VISITED
Why Obama LOOKED like a leader – and G.W. Bush didn’t
“What people say and do in the most innocent situations . . .
An analysis of Sam Stosur’s body language
Gold standard in short-form TV reporting / A. Kohler
The world is a monarchy, money is the king . . .
PowerPoint. Why you’re still abusing audiences with it, and what to do about it
Video of Russell Crowe – the voice that grips you
Gandhi’s example of what it takes to be a great communicator
Being ‘playful’ – video of one of the best, George Clooney
Video of Kevin Spacey – what audiences want to see
An body language analysis of a video of Marissa Mayer
Compairing the body language and speech of Trump, Clinton in 2016
Video clip of James Spader – Owner of scenes
Stillness – Why George Clooney became a move star
A video clip example of energy & certainty from IBM’s CEO.
10 sports metaphors to be a more memorable speaker
Link for Thomas Friedman clip
Video clip NYT Thomas Friedman’s Own the physical space masterclass
Body language and speech analysis of why Don Draper is so good
How I channeled Obama before a major media interview
An Olympic gymnast coach’s 4 step competition prep routine
Why Clinton scored 8 and Trump 7 in Debate Three
Barack Obama’s example of answering a tough a question
Why measured Clinton beat Trump on Debate Two
Tennis legend Andre Agassi’s resilience lesson for top performers explained
THE great speech from legendary adman Leo Burnett
Trump versus Clinton Debate One – Body language and speech analysis
Why I gave Scott Morrison’s presentation an 8/10
Learn from Stephen Colbert’s creative process
Here’s how you can learn from M Turnbull’s speaking example
Malcolm Turnbull’s example of projecting certainty
6 strategies to improve your skills from Anders Ericsson
Obama’s special speaking sauce exposed
A key behaviour that Premier Mike Baird shares with Barack Obama
Video of Obama’s 2015 State of the Union – analysis
Here is why Tony Blair was an eloquent speaker
The speaking trait the Barack Obama and John Kennedy share
This golfing tip will help you be a better leader and BDM
A winning strategy from entrepreneur Roy Thompson
Radio Broadcaster Angela Catterns, Voice Lesson 4
Radio Broadcaster Angela Catterns, Voice lesson 3
Radio Broacaster Angela Catterns, Voice lesson 2
Radio Broadcaster Angela Catterns, Voice lesson 1
Premier Bob Carr’s choice voice lesson 3
Premier Bob Carr’s choice voice lesson 2
How not to perform under pressure – An example from Clive Palmer
Premier Bob Carr’s choice voice lesson 1
Gridiron legend Lou Holtz on what make a leader
Why philospher learned from football
A great template for selecting the best prospective customers
President Frank Roosevelt shows how to simplify a message
Kevin Rudd’s body language reveals it’s all about him.
Rudd still the phony, in his final speech
Commanding Abbott beats Nervous Rudd
How Julia Gillard final speech as PM will be remembered – Dignity
Tony Abbott’s body language and 28 second silence clip explained
Colin Powell’s 15 Lessons on media handling
CEO wisdom distilled
Why tennis player Sam Stosur needs a new psychologist
K. Rudd’s final speech as PM part two. It’s still all about me.
Do you have this quality as senior executive leader?
A success strategy from Nobel Prize winner Albert Schweitzer
An example of playing the victim from Craig Thomson
How you can adapt luminary architect Renzo Piano’s design technique
Why Obama beat Romney – Debate three
Why Romeny beat Obama in debate number two
Why Romney won first debate with Obama
How Julia Gillard’s defensivesness prompted journalist attack
Lesson from Spencer Tracy – what does hands in the pocket convey.
An lesson on how to be believable from Craig Thomson
Anna Bligh and Campbell Newman’s body language rated
Comparison of Kevin Fud and Julia Gillard body language and speaking
Here’s a body language technique you can borrow from John Wayne
Basketball Legend’s three step process for behaviour change explained
A great hook from legendary Ad man David Ogilvy
Julia Gillard tears and Tony Abbott’s limited speaking explained
Why Obama still shines in state of the Union address
The ‘daily deposit’ lesson of ‘Miracle on the Hudson’s’ Sullenberger
How Mark Latham and Tony Abbott use their body language to intimidate
How J Gillard hope outpointed T Abbott larrikin in first debate
How Julia Gillard is like Margaret Thatcher
Julia Gillard’s body language analysed
Kevin Rudd’s final speech as PM, part one. His mask finally slipped
How Julia Gillard shined in her presentation in first PM interview.
Why Rudd won Health Debate with Abbott
Why Opposition leader Bill Shorten turns off his listeners
Robert F Kennedy 50% rule of being successful explained
Kevin Rudd’s ‘pre-cooked meal’ speaking explained
Why Malcolm Turnbull will find it hard to change his presentation
How Kevin Rudd’s body language defies his in control image
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