Learn from Morgan Freeman’s gravitas

 In Actors, Behind the Voice, Body language, Delivery, Environment, Facial expression, Gesturing, Learning from Luminaries, Luminary, Media, Meetings, News, Owning space, Q&A, The Winning Voice

The gravitas of actor Morgan Freeman is on full display in this 50 minute interview with Charlie Rose.

Here’s my analysis of Freeman:

# Note throughout the interview, Freeman’s comfort in his own skin. His head is still. There is no extraneous movement. He moves and gestures naturally. His cadence is measured and unrushed.

# At the 20:30 – 21:42 minute section Freeman discussed and then recites the William Ernest Henley poem, Invictus that he delivered in the movie Invictus – in his portrayal of Nelson Mandela. (I shed a tear after he recited it). Watch this section, if you watch no other part of the clip.

# Just listening to Freeman’s presentation of himself and communication of his ideas, ‘becalms’ me.


Own the Conversation

Implementation suggestion

  • Before your next meeting, presentation et al watch the 20:30 – 21:42 section of the clip to let Freeman’s gravitas seep into you.
  • Deliver the opening 10 seconds of the meeting or presentation, with that gravitas in mind, in body, in voice and in spirit.
  • Reflect on the impact of doing this.
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