Leadership lessons from psychopaths
Below is a clip of a TED talk by luminary psychologist Nashater deu Solheim titled What working with psychopaths taught me about leadership.
FIRSTLY, let share my analysis of deu Solheim’s communication of herself and messages.
Overall, the affect deu Solheim portrays, is one of calm assurance.
The calm assurance is conveyed by:
- A stance with feet positioned at hip-width, a quiet body, and by relaxed, non-distracting body movement, and ‘ownership’ of the stage.
- A warm, accepting, enthusiastic facial expression.
- An un-rushed, measured speaking cadence.
The presentation would be a worthwhile one for you to use for expert modelling practice.** The entire talk is worth listening to. If you’re pressed for time just watch the first 1:30 minutes of the clip.
SECONDLY, the main messages from the talk that I took away are these:
#1 Project authenticity with empathy (instead of with brutal authenticity ) by:
- Know your role and stay within the bounds of that role.
- Be prepared and do your research. Know what drives the person(s) you’re interacting with.
- Remain curious even when you feel challenged.
#2 Authenticity comes in many shapes and forms.
Here is the LINK for the clip.
** Expert modelling process
1. Choose a 50 second section of the du Solheim clip that resonates with you.
2. Watch the section and memorise it verbatim. Film your practice delivery of the section: the words, and your imitation of du Solheim’s cadence, body language and voice delivery.
3. Repetitively deliver and playback/watch your performance (the words, voice cadence, body language) and compare it to du Solheim’s delivery.
4. Continue Step #3 until you can perform 50 seconds at a high level, while putting your individual mark on it.
5. In safe interactions, practice ‘channelling’ the body language, cadence and voice you’ve practiced (obviously with different words). Reflect on its impact.
Own the Conversation
My implementation suggestion is to do one of the following:
#1 Do the Expert modelling process.
#2 Reflect on one of the following points when preparing for a challenging interaction you’ll have in the next seven days. Keep the point in mind during the interaction:
- Know your role and stay within the bounds of that role.
- Be prepared and do your research. Know what drives the person(s) you’re interacting with.
- Remain curious even when you feel challenged.