KEYS to BRINGing out the BEST in YOURSELF and others
“Bottom line: Applying soon, certain and positive consequences is the most efficient way to improve behaviour and attitude at the same time.
Of course, every reader of this article knows this and also knows the term positive reinforcer should only be used if the positive consequence increases the frequency of the target behaviour.
But even when positive consequences do not result in an observable change in behaviour, they are still useful. They might, in fact, affect an unobserved behaviour, and they likely benefit an attitude or person-state, possibly enhancing a success-seeking mindset. These consequences are called rewards, as you know.”
The above vignette from a paper, ‘Seven Life Lessons from Humanistic Behaviorism: How to Bring the Best Out of Yourself and Others by E. Scott Geller, under a sub-heading, Employ the power of positive consequences.
Below is Geller’s 15:00 minute TED Talk ‘Psychology of Self-Motivation’ aligned to the points in the paper.
The point in the vignette that surprised me was even when positive consequence do not result in an observable change in behaviour – THEY ARE STILL USEFUL.
Here is the CLIP for the TED Talk
By the way Geller’s delivery is a great example of:
Perceived Genuine Enthusiasm ‘Sells’.
If you pressed for time, just watch the first 50 seconds to experience Geller’s face, body and voice energy.
Own the Conversation
In the next seven days – with the goal of cultivating a success-seeking mindset – give yourself a positive reward after you perform a behaviour.
For example, after speaking up in a high stakes meeting or after volunteering to lead a difficult project or after completing an important A class customer call.
p.s. this post on how to simplify a message from master speaker and former U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt is worth reading.