If you’re hesitant to ask for help – you’re an amateur
Let me suggest, that if you are hesitant to ask for help – you are an amateur.
My reason for sharing this view is based on the below passage from page 85 of the 2002 book, The War of Art, by Steven Pressfield.
‘A professional does not hesitate to ask for help.
Tiger Woods** is the greatest golfer in the world. Yet he has a teacher: he works with Butch Harmon. And Tiger doesn’t endure this instruction or suffer through it – he revels in it. It’s his keenest professional joy to get out there on the practice tee with Butch, to learn more about the game he loves.’
(** Since the time of the book’s publication in 2002 there have been a lot of highs and lows in Woods’ life. However, during his hey day years, one memory I distinctly have, is reading a media piece about Woods being on practice tee, the day after he had won The Masters tournament.)
Own the Conversation
Implementation suggestion.
With the above passage in mind:
- Reflect on the last two months. Can you identify a time when you were hesitant to ask for help?
- When was the last time you asked and got help? If you can remember, what was the result of getting the help?
- Before an upcoming interaction, meeting or presentation, schedule in your calendar, a time to contact a trusted person for help.
p.s. My favourite fiction author, Richard Ford, has released a new collection of short stories. Sorry For Your Trouble.
My view is that reading Ford’s prose will make you a more efficient speaker. Such is the economy and terseness of his writing. With the economy of words in mind, here is quote from General Colin Powell that I shared in a recent post.
Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers who can cut through argument, debate and doubt and offer a solution everybody can understand.