HOW to DEAL with an AGGRESSIVE audience member – OBAMA masterclass
You may know of former heavyweight boxer, Mike Tyson’s famous quotation –
“Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”**
I mention this quotation, because being questioned by an aggressive audience member at the Q&A time of presentation you’re delivering – can seem like being punched in mouth.
Here is my POST with my deconstruction of a video clip of master speaker, Barack Obama, exquisitely handling and destroying an aggressive, loaded question.
The clip goes for eight minutes. I suggest watching at least the first two minutes, to get a sense of Obama’s ownership of the situation.
** Here is a LINK to the article, Mike Tyson explains one of his most famous quotes.
Own the Conversation
What impressed you most about Obama’s performance?
In the next 5 minutes make an implementation plan to adapt and practice that performance aspect that impressed you. Reflect on the effect of that practice.
p.s. here’s a post on how to handle a ‘glass half-empty’ colleague.