Handling fear in sales presentations: Technique two
You can handle your fear in sales presentations by audio recording a presentation on you phone’s voice recorder, prior to your presentation, and listening to it, repeatedly while you do other things – like driving your car to a meeting, or going out to a café to get your lunch.
Particularly for important presentations, space your listening out at four hour intervals a few days before the live presentation. This audio recording and repeated listening has the following benefits: 1. It creates what could be called an ‘audio file’ in your brain. That is, when you are actually delivering the presentation, you can ‘open the file’ and information will be available for retrieval and delivery. 2. It allows you to use time more efficiently (eg. driving while listening), while developing your confidence in being able to deliver your presentation well. 3. As you listen to the recording you’ll often find better ways to deliver the presentation. For example, you might find a piece of information in the middle of the presentation that you could use for your opening, reason to listen, hook.
When you find yourself becoming bored with listening to the presentation, you can stop – as the presentation delivery is now well embedded in your brain. So the ‘how to’ for this blog is: three to four days prior to your next business presentation, audio record the presentation and listen to it at spaced, four hour intervals while doing another task.