GUIDE on WHEN to do FACE to Face versus VIDEO meetings, RE-visited

 In Body language, Delivery, Facial expression, Gesturing, Learning from Luminaries, Luminary, Meetings, Message creation, News, Philosopher, The Winning Voice, Video, Virtual communication, Voice

Recently I heard a CEO of a medical devices company say something to the effect of:

“When everyone was Face-to-Face that was ok to handle and when everyone was virtual that became ok to handle. The big challenge now is handling the current hybrid environment of Face-to-Face and Virtual.”

With this comment in mine here is my post – Guide for when to do Face-to-Face versus Video meetings – that I published around 30 days ago.

With the CEO’s comment in mind it may be timely to read/re-read the post.

Since last month what I would add the following comments to the Guide.

#1 In video meetings leaders need upgrade the quality, and quantity of their communication. Harvard Business School luminary professor, John Kotter maintains,

‘Most leaders under-communicate by a factor of 10.’

Even we you’re sick and tired of hearing yourself say the same messages – you need to continue to communicate them. Albeit using different examples the capture the essence of the messages.

#2 Consider using phone and text, in addition to email, face-to-face and video mediums, for communicating messages. Sometime choosing the right medium for a message or the right sequence of mediums (eg. phone, email, video meeting, text) can have the best impact.

Own the Conversation

How might you adapt points shared in the Guide to create your evolving playbook on when to have Face-to-Face versus Video meetings?

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