Don’t depress your grandkids – Give yourself a voiceLIFT
STOP PRESS: New VoiceLIFT programme for the 50+ years of age
Consider this . . .
As people age, their voices can lose energy. They may speak more slowly. Fatigue may be heard in their voices. At times, their voices may be monotonous.
Unfortunately – in the same vein as we judge a book by its cover, we often first judge a person by how they look, and unwittingly, by how they sound. A tired, un-energetic, un-interesting voice loses attention – and yes – can be labelled unattractive. Upon hearing this voice, people may avoid interacting with a person, because of their ‘flat’ voice.
Leaving aside the effects on voice from physical disease, and from the physical effects of ageing – there are ways to energise a lifeless voice –
practical, energy injection techniques and ideas to make 50+ aged people feel younger, and sound younger – 10 years or more younger.
And that energy can make them more interesting to their partners, children, grandchildren* and friends – so much so, that these people can look forward to, and want to, spend time with them.
The injection of voice energy can make them more outgoing, and help them make friends more easily – so they reduce any loneliness+ they have, and increase their sociability.
Older people get facelifts to look and feel younger. Now, they can now get voicelifts, to help them sound and feel younger, too.
As a special project separate from business pitch consulting and executive communication coaching work, I’ve developed, for 50+ aged people, a keynote presentation, workshop and one on one, and one on two consulting programmes, with practical and powerful voice energy ideas and techniques.
The programmes are entitled:
Give yourself a VoiceLIFT
As I continually refine the Give yourself a VoiceLIFT programmes, I realise to make the programmes even more powerful, it would be valuable to collaborate with a medical doctor who is interested in the healthy ageing and well-being.
I’d love to chat with a medical doctor – who is interested in healthy ageing/well-being – on how we might collaborate on the VoiceLIFT programmes. If you are/know of a doctor who might be interested in this project, please contact/have them contact me at / +61 (0) 418 215 049.
If you’re 50+ years and want to get a VoiceLIFT for yourself, or your partner, or you are a member of/know of a group that would be interested in a keynote presentation or workshop on the topic, I welcome your contact.
Thank you.
*We all are attracted to energy, but energy is more attractive to children and teenagers.
+Loneliness and social isolation in the United Kingdom
- 17% of older people are in contact with family, friends and neighbours less than once a week and 11% are in contact less than once a month (Victor et al, 2003)
- Over half (51%) of all people aged 75 and over live alone (ONS, 2010)
- Two fifths of all older people (about 3.9 million) say the television is their main company (Age UK, 2014)
- 63% of adults aged 52 or over who have been widowed, and 51% of the same group who are separated or divorced report feeling lonely some of the time or often (Beaumont, 2013)
(Source: Campaign to end loneliness)
p.s. Check out this post entitled, BDMs – Enthusiasm is underrated
p.p.s Check out my audio programme which is now available for online purchase – Choice Voice. Lessons from great speaking voices. Edition One: Bob Carr. In the programme, luminary speaker Carr shares valuable techniques that will help you develop a Choice Voice.