How Julia Gillard shined in her presentation in first PM interview.

 In Learning from Luminaries, Politicians

Julia Gillard looked and sounded very much the leader and Prime Minister in her first interview last night with Kerry O’Brien. Rather than being thrown by the rapid events that thrust her into the top job, the certainty she conveyed through her measured speaking, and through how she held her eyes, face and body demonstrated that she was very ready indeed for this moment.

There was a subtle, quiet relish in her manner – in effect saying – she was the right person for this moment, and for this calling. O’Brien attempted to bait Gillard with loaded questions, but she never took the bait, repeatedly rejecting the premise of his questions.

How new leaders are first perceived can be very important in determining longer term impresssions. This polished, first performance by Gillard will, well serve her and her party in the coming months.

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  • Dipak Hore

    I saw the interview and agree with your observations.

    However I was even more impressed with her demeanor and ‘quite’authority in her voice in tackeling questions from a diverse and often ‘aggressive media. All through she reained quitely assertive and in control of the whole session.

    • michael

      Yes Dipak – she seems to have fine rein control on herself and to have several reply options available to choose from when responding to questions

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