Confident Personal Communications
Module 18
Consider this statement. The downfall in ‘think on your feet’ interactions, is similar to the downfall in life. . . people concentrate on one or two moves when there is at least six or seven options available.
The Key messages for this Module are:
- Realise, that there are numerous response options
- Choose a response that suits the situation
- Answer with an Open – Middle – Close structure
When you’re in a think on your feet situation, if you don’t understand the question, never pretend that you do. As well, if you don’t have an answer, say “I don’t have answer’, or you might say, I don’t have a fixed view on that.
However, in most situations you need to trust yourself that an answer is available to you. Depending on the question you’re asked, here are some responses you can choose from:
You could say, There are many thoughts that come to mind . . . let me elaborate on one – or you could say.
Or Before I respond I can see Matt wants to comment . . . Matt you go first and then I’ll respond, or
You could ask a question to the question.
For a certain types of questions you can respond with, I don’t agree with the premise of that question.
Now, for aggressive comments a good first response is, Feedback is great,
Here is an example with the Feedback is great included.
Michael what you’re saying is rubbish.
Feedback is great. Actually people who Intentionally daily practice these techniques and get trusted people feedback, get great results from using them . . . I’m always willing to learn, what are you getting at there?
In that example the use of the ‘feedback is great’ phrase defused the aggressiveness of the situation. Then I challenged the assertion and pushed back a question to the person. Now – the person has to back up the aggressive comment.
A good mantra to keep in mind, in think on your feet situations is this: He or she who loses their cool – loses.
Key Message
- Realise, that there are numerous response options
- Choose a response that suits the situation
- Answer with an Open – Middle – Close structure
To do right now, or to complete within the next 30 minutes:
Think of a past situation where you were caught off-guard by a question. Next write down that question. (Don’t worry if it isn’t the exact question). Then write down these sequence of words, ‘Tough question’ – ‘Give me a moment to think about that?’ ‘Top of mind I’d say . . ‘ and then write down a response to the question.
Just the physical act of writing down words on a piece of paper will help embed the techniques in this Module in your mind.
What else could you do to put into practice ideas from this Module? Take 13 seconds to see if an idea pops up. Maybe watch the Module again if you have time.