Gen X Y Millennials gravitas technique
If you are of Generation X or Y demographic, picture this situation.
You have to pitch an idea to a senior, executive group, many whom are Baby boomers*.
And you want upgrade your level of gravitas when delivery the pitch.
How can you do this?
One way is to be more measured in your speaking at the start of your pitch, to align your speech speed with the audience’s perception of time.
Let me explain:
Many business people – younger and of mature age – start speaking too quickly, due to a concept I’ve labeled, ‘Presenters’ misperception of time’.
Presenter’s misperception of time refers to a presenter – when standing at the front of a group of people – to judge time to pass more quickly to how the audience perceives time (ie. more slowly).
This means that the audience will appreciate you, initially, taking more time when you start to speak. That is, you don’t need to rush and can me more measured in your speaking.
Taking more time may seem abnormally long at first. Acknowledge this perception – while still taking time.
Your Call to action/How to apply for this post: When starting a pitch presentation, appreciate ‘Presenter’s misperception of time’, and start speaking with a more measured delivery.
(*Baby boomers are born between 1946 and 1964)
p.s. If you work for Commonwealth Bank, and are based in Sydney, I’ll be delivering a presentation entitled: Mind if I listen in? Fresh networking and body language techniques that pay-off, as part of CBA ES, Innovation Festival. The presentation will be held 11 November, 10:30 – 11:00am at CBP(North), Plaza Level. I’d love to see you in the audience.
Thanks Michael
As a ‘baby boomer’, I am prone to the very occasional ‘senior moment’. And one of these is knowing the year-ranges for each of the Gens (X, Y, Z, …).
Can you please publish these, as I reckon I won’t be the only one with the same affliction! And I promise to store them in PIM system too.
Thanks in anticipation.
Cheers – John
Thanks John. Gen X are born between 1965 – 1979. Gen Y are born between 1980 -1984.
Michael the one thing I have learnt in the latter part of my career, when I am presenting of negotiating is to slow down and try to find the “time” of my audience. The more I slow down, the less I speak the more I learn during an important communication.