Do you make any of these first impression mistakes

 In Body language

It is said that ‘whatever can be seen or heard – will be seen or heard.’  How you speak, listen and present yourself and how you present your products and services might be excellent, but if the ‘customer’ perceives you as sub-par, even slightly, in regard to any of the below points, you might be giving your ‘competitors’ an edge.

In sharing the below list, I’m not suggesting that you go out and buy new clothes or accessories. What I suggest is that you reflect on a person in a more senior role to you – whose dress and presentation you admire – and over time update your dress and accessories etc. to approximate that model person’s level of presentation.

The points are provided from my experience within the Australian business context.

The ‘how to apply’ for this post: When observed, have a trusted confidant readily give you private feedback on the below points:

1.         Poor breath and body odour?

2.         Food on teeth?

3.         Toothpaste on face or lipstick on teeth?

4.         Food on face, in beard or on clothing?

5.         Finger nails in need of attention?

6.         Nasal hair in need of clipping?

7.         For men, 5 o’clock shadow at 11am?

8.         Slumped posture while standing or sitting?

9.         Collar turned up unintentionally?

10.       Collar (men’s) too tight or loose on neck when buttoned?

11.        Collar wrinkled?

12.        Wrinkled shirt, trousers, skirt, jacket?

13.        Marks on clothing?

14.        Shiny or worn, ill-fitting suit, shirt, pants, skirt?

15.        Clothing that is threadbare or with holes?

16.       Clothing that reveals mid-riff?

17.        Shirt not tucked in properly?

18.        Blouse inappropriate?

19.        Belt that is worn or mismatched with clothing?

20.        Accessories hanging off belts?

21.        No belt worn when trousers have belt loops?

22.        Shoes that are not shined, or that need re-heeling, or that call attention to themselves?

23.        Sock and hosiery with holes?

24.        Socks (men’s) that are too short and reveal leg?

25.        Socks and hosiery that don’t match shoes or clothing?

26.        Mismatched tie/shirt/suit, or shirt/jacket/skirt/pants mismatched?

27.        Ill-fitting clothes. Clothes that are too loose/too tight?

28.        Bulging shirt, jacket or trouser/pants pockets?

29.        Dated or inappropriate necktie (eg: Mickey Mouse neckties)?

30.        Necktie extends too long, too short or not centred?

31.        Dated eye glasses?

32.        Dirty, smudged eye glasses?

33.        Dated suit, shirt, skirt, blouse, jacket, shoes?

34.       Haircut needed?

35.       New hairstyle to be considered?

36.       Distracting or inappropriate jewelry?(eg: after-hours jewelry for business)

37.       Accessories of low quality? (eg: cheap biros, low quality wristwatch.)

38.       Tattered, cluttered briefcase, valise, day planner, or customer interaction tools?

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