Eckhart Tolle’s secret for speaking without fear

 In Delivery, Environment, Feedback, Learning from Luminaries, Luminary, Meetings, News, Philosopher, Q&A, The Winning Voice, Voice, What not to do

To reinforce one point from last week’s post –  Measured believable speaking from Union Leader Alex Claassens – Eckhart Tolle in this Talks at Google clip, demonstrates that he has is no fear of pausing; that he feels deserving of the time he is using.

Own the Conversation

Implementation suggestion:

  1. Watch this less than two minute section of the clip; the 7:08 to 9:00 minute section, to experience Tolle’s speaking.
  2. With that model of Tolle in mind, in one interaction over the next seven days schedule to do the following: Simultaneously, speak while having the feeling that you deserve the time you are using.
  3. Reflect on the impact of doing this.


p.s. If I had give speaking advice to Tolle, I’d suggest that he has silent pause gaps between his thought groups, versus inserting “ah” in those gaps.

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