
A short ‘how-to’ video on how to listen and speak under pressure

 In Delivery, Voice

What if in any pressured interaction or presentation, you were perceived as a fast thinker, as competent, as creative, as persuasive – and as someone to trust?

Smiling business man isolated on white background

Situations where you need to communicate under pressure, can be the defining moments in a career.

Senior executives often make decisions on whether to promote a person, or give them a special project, or mark them as a top performer – based on how a person handles pressured situations.

For example, a pressured situation could be when you’re in a meeting with C level people, in the boardroom of your organisation. Without notice, the CEO calls out your name, and asks for your recommendation on the matter at hand.

How well you articulate your response to that question – could be a defining moment, for you and your career.

Recently BRiN founder, Dale Beaumont, did a 30 minute video interview with me on the topic How to Communicate effectively under pressure. (the Password for the video is ‘owntheconversation’).

In the video I share and demonstrate my most powerful, signature techniques on how to communicate effectively under pressure, including:

He or she who loses their cool – loses

  • the Engagement nod.
  • DBAE (Don’t Be Anywhere Else).
  • the school-yard ‘YAYAYA’ voice.
  • The Open – Middle – Close speaking structure.
  • The ‘Measuring cup’ (versus ‘Waterhose’) speaking technique.
  • ‘Owning’ and occupying space with the ‘semi-circular’ container.
  • How to coordinate gestures with speaking – to mark certainty, time, quantity and passion.
  • The schema for handling tough questions.

Your CALL to action/HOW to apply for this post: While watching the video, and/or while re-watching it, choose a technique that resonates most with you. IDP (Intentionally Daily Practice) that technique, in safe interactions, until it becomes a reflex one for you.

p.s Check out this post on Good questions to ask when hiring sales people

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