Premier Bob Carr’s choice voice lesson 1
Michael Kelly
“Bob, if you had to choose three lessons on what makes a great speaking voice, what would those lessons be?”
Bob Carr
“I think the first lesson is to separate yourself from the text and look the audience in the eye . . . and that animates a voice.
I think the second lesson is to tell stories because we come alive and the audience is captured when you say ‘There was a man walking down the street.’ People want to know what’s going to happen next.
And I think people miss the opportunity to sum up their case with an anecdote.
And I think the third advice is to keep it short. If you’re in any doubt, strike it out. The tighter it is, the better. If there is sentence that doesn’t advance the case, drop it. Be ready to leapfrog from one idea to another – an abrupt point in a speech is a good thing – you holding the attention of the audience if you just leap from one subject to another, without spelling out (your ideas) in great, tedious length.”
In 2008 I interviewed former Foreign Minister of Australia Bob Carr for a CD/MP3 product entitled: Choice Voice. Lessons from great speaking voices. Edition One: Bob Carr.
Carr’s response to my first interview question is above. One of the gems from the above advice – that all speakers should heed – is, ‘When in doubt, strike it out’.
Later this month in Sydney at the Oak Barrel ‘Cellar Room’, I’ll be hosting an exclusive event for my best clients, best colleagues, best friends and for selected potential clients.
At the event (which will include a sommelier wine tasting) I’ll be interviewing Australian radio personality Angela Catterns. I’ll be asking Catterns similar questions I had asked Carr for the Choice Voice CD.
I’ve analysed Cattern’s voice. Words that describe her voice are: ‘warm, rich, deep, smooth, inviting, familiar, genuine’. She has one of the best female voices in Australia.
The how to apply/your call to action for this post: Reflect on Bob Carr’s above advice, and trial one of the suggestions – first in safe interactions – and then reflect on the result.
p.s. Next Tuesday 15 July I’ll be delivering a presentation at a PMI (Project Management Institute) Sydney Chapter meeting, on the topic: Mind if I listen in? Fresh networking and body language techniques that pay off. If you want to upgrade the quality of your networking, you’ll profit from attending this presentation. Numbers are limited to 100 people.
Here is a link to the event: