Change of direction/Naming blog

 In News

Rail switches in yard off mainlineAs a 2017 begins, and after reflection and discussion with my digital strategist – Vernon Song of Phlow* – the direction of my blog has changed. As you see, the blog now has a name and a new visual format.

Let me explain the reason for the change of direction.

Consider this. When is the best time to give someone an idea, or give someone feedback?

My view is that the best time to give an idea, or give feedback etc. – is when the timing is best, or when the person is best ready to receive the idea/feedback.

With this in mind – whenever possible – during each month of the Australian working/business year (February to December 2017), I’ll be aligning my posts, to target the various types of ‘conversations’, that executives might be facing/having to deal with, during the respective month.

My goal in doing this is to help you have a ‘Winning Voice’ and to

Own the conversation**.

Each month will have a theme. Each week in the month will have a particular focus – as follows.

Week #1:

Introduce the theme for the month.

Week #2:

Practical techniques and ideas aligned to the theme, with an accompanying two minute skills video, or a short audio recording. (this post will be longer that the other weekly posts. It’s a post that you might want to file so you can refer to it when you need practical speaking and pitching ideas).

Week #3:

Body language and speaking deconstruction of a video clip of the personal communication of an actor, executive, public figure or another luminary. As well I’ll share how you can adapt the person’s positive performance aspects, to your speaking performances.

Week #4:

Addressing and answering a specific communication challenge faced by my clients/readers.

For politicians, business leaders and other luminaries who make the news – I’ll still send you additional posts with my body language and speech analysis of their performances.

* Vernon is a top performer and I recommend his work unreservedly.

** ‘Own the conversation’ reflects a subtle shift of emphasis in my consulting and coaching work – and it is the new byline for my work.

What I mean by ‘Own the conversation’ is that I’ll be assisting executives to be comfortable with, and exert ‘ownership’ of any interaction, chance encounter, meeting, presentation, panel discussion etc. that they have during their working life – no matter the importance or difficulty or intensity of the conversation.

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