Against the benchmark of a credible, believable, self-assured CEO of a major enterprise in a media regarding a significant crisis – conveyed through their affect, body language, speech and words [...]
I might have touched on this topic in prior posts. I write about the topic because (1) In the last few weeks the below advice has resonated with many of my clients. (2) I still regularly hear [...]
Last week I did a coaching session with a client who was about to have a job interview for a C level position.
In my preparation for the session I reviewed some notes and prior research I had [...]
Warning: This is a longish post. It is long because there are specific steps you can follow.
Recently, some of my clients in certain industries, overseas and in Australia, [...]
Imagine you're a trainee doctor, about to get grilled in an oral examination, or as it is called in the medical field, a viva.
Below are tips given to trainee doctors on how to prepare for [...]
Speaking, usually, is easy - especially when the stakes are low.
Speaking well, consistently - in any interaction, encounter, meeting, presentation, no matter the level of pressure, no matter [...]