Confident, composed, clear & convincing. My analysis of RBA Governor’s 1st press conference
Did you believe the messenger? My analysis of the Optus CEO’s response to the outage
Against the benchmark of a credible, believable, self-assured CEO of a major enterprise in a media regarding a significant crisis – conveyed through their affect, body language, speech and words [...]
The secret to projecting power and influence
Here is an important quotation from comedian, actor, writer, producer, and musician, Steve Martin: “People who are charismatic have a combination of dominance* and warmth**. (Often thought [...]
Analysis of Qantas CEO update
Against the benchmark of a credible, believable, self-assured CEO of a major enterprise delivering a presentation to the public regarding a significant loss of trust in the leadership of the [...]
Scoring NSW Premier D. Perrottet and NSW Opposition leader C. Minns
Leaving aside the value of their policies, and against the benchmark of a credible, believable, inspiring leader of a major political party – conveyed through their affect, body language, voice, [...]
Here’s how to ‘own’ and occupy physical space when communicating
In a Talks at Google clip Professor Rajagopal Raghunathan (RR) demonstrates how to 'own' and occupy the physical space. To observe this demonstration please view the 47-14 - [...]
Lessons on ‘How to Speak’ from luminary MIT Professor
In this 63 minute 'How to speak' clip professor
Powerful body language techniques you can use immediately
In the 3:50 minute video clip of a live module of my