Do you take the emotion out of your communication?
Recently I read the below review of the book Win your case; How [...]
Michael Kelly quoted in the Financial Review article – How to avoid a car crash interview
In an article by Patrick Durkin – BOSS Deputy editor of the Financial Review – Michael Kelly comments on what leaders can learn from Woolworths CEO Brad Banducci’s recent [...]
Michael Kelly quoted in the Financial Review article – Are octogenarians like Biden and Trump fit to govern?
In an article by Jill Margo - Health Editor of the Financial Review - Michael Kelly comments on US President Biden's deteriorating speech. "Michael Kelly, a former speech pathologist and now a [...]
Confident, composed, clear & convincing. My analysis of RBA Governor’s 1st press conference
Did you believe the messenger? My analysis of the Optus CEO’s response to the outage
Against the benchmark of a credible, believable, self-assured CEO of a major enterprise in a media regarding a significant crisis – conveyed through their affect, body language, speech and words [...]
The secret to projecting power and influence
Here is an important quotation from comedian, actor, writer, producer, and musician, Steve Martin: “People who are charismatic have a combination of dominance* and warmth**. (Often thought [...]
Analysis of Qantas CEO update
Against the benchmark of a credible, believable, self-assured CEO of a major enterprise delivering a presentation to the public regarding a significant loss of trust in the leadership of the [...]
Learn from Morgan Freeman’s gravitas
The gravitas of actor Morgan Freeman is on full display in this 50 minute interview with Charlie [...]