Get clarity on your brand with this One sheet

 In Message creation

One way to get more referrals is to create a ‘Branding one sheet’. Maribeth Kuzmeski of Red Zone Marketing has written a blog post about this ‘Sheet’. Here’s the link:

You can give the sheet to your clients as a tool to help them refer people to you/your service. Below is my first attempt at the ‘Branding one sheet’.


Branding One Sheet

1. What makes Michael Kelly and Kelly Speech Communication different?

Michael Kelly’s:

–    Personal characteristics of: responsiveness, energy and directness in his interactions with clients, coupled with his,

–    Insight, field research and innovative techniques and ideas, in effective spoken and personal communication.

2.   What separates Michael Kelly from his competitors, are these two statements:

You will not find a business pitch/sales presentation consultant and senior executive personal communication coach, with:

–    Michael’s Master of Science degree education in Speech Pathology together with his deep understanding of speech communication, voice, body language, and the impact of these elements in business communication.

–   Michael’s deep understanding of how excellent business and political leaders speak, listen, present, handle and carry themselves – and his ability to transform that understanding and insight into a process of compelling ideas and techniques to help his clients, inspire people to take action, and increase their hit-rate in getting what they want.

3.      One sentence company tag line:

‘We’re in business to help business people improve their spoken and personal communication impact.’

4.      Our ideal client:

Our best clients are major corporations, government clients and small and medium businesses, that understand the worth of improving the spoken and personal communication impact of their team members.

5.      Our key areas of expertise:

Our key areas of expertise is in helping business people who need to:

–    Deliver simple, concise, ‘less is more’ spoken messages.

–    Maximise the number of positive impressions they leave through their spoken and personal communication

–    Project energy and certainty through their spoken and personal communication.

6.      Our company in depth:

To find our more about Kelly Speech Communication, and Michael Kelly please visit our website:, or phone Michael on: (02) 9416 2311.

Thank you.



Now there are a number of ways to present the sheet to a person. One way is to say to a person, “One way I get business is by referral. Can I take a moment to show you a way you can help me in this area?” Then you can take them through the sheet. You can also ask for their agreement for you to send them a brief email in three weeks to job their memory about the sheet.

The ‘How to apply’ for this post: Construct a ‘Branding one sheet’ and after feedback and revision start giving it to people to help you acquire more referrals.

p.s.  I will delivering Masterclass workshop at a CCER (Catholic Commission for Employment Relations) Leadership conference (which I’m also sponsoring) at the Novotel Sydney, Brighton Beach, on 11 August, on the topic: ‘Becoming a leader: Listen so people speak, Speak and present so people listen’. If you want to register for the conference, here’s the link:


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  • Don Greenamyer

    Thanks Michael – I’ve just incorporated this idea into my formal Authorised Credit Representative Profile that I’m now obliged to provide all prospective clients.

    John and I are meeting today at 4:30; join us if you can.

    Warm Regards, Don.

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