
Stop Press! New ‘Behind the Voice’ YouTube channel launch

 In Body language, Delivery, Environment, Facial expression, Featured Media, Feedback, Gesturing, Learning from Luminaries, Luminary, Meetings, News, Owning space, Politicians, Q&A, The Winning Voice, Video, Voice

I am pleased to announce that I have just launched a new YouTube channel.

Through this channel I intend to provide real time analysis and deconstruction of the communication techniques of leaders of all types.

How this can help your communication journey?

Each video will contain my commentary on how great communicators present themselves and their messages.

This will be a useful resource for you to adapt and to improve how you present yourself.
Click here to visit the channel.

If you like the content, please subscribe so you can receive regular updates.

Please watch the first “Behind the Voice” video titled “Colin Powell and The Essence of Leadership”.
I’ll keep you updated as more are released.

p.s. I’d love your feedback on the first video. Thanks

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