Be more ARTICULATE with this SPEAK under Pressure DRILL

 In Delivery, Listening, Meetings, News, Q&A, The Winning Voice

In my former career as a speech pathologist, one way I’d treat head injured clients who had severe spoken communication problems, was to use time-pressure drills. These drills would, in effect, ‘create’ new neural pathways around the injured part of their brain, and allow the person, to improve their speaking delivery.

Now, even though most of you don’t have a head injury) you can still improve your quick translation of thoughts to speech through drilling, which will to serve you in pressured interactions, encounters, meetings and presentations.

Here is a link to what I call Quick Response Drills’ (QRD)

Give them a try.

A round or two will only take about a minute or two.

Own the Conversation

You can apply the QRD in the following way:

Before an under-pressure environment, maybe a major pitch, a presentation to your leadership team, or a networking function with ‘A’ class client and prospect et al, do some of the drills, to increase your thought-to-speech retrieval and fluency.

I’d love to get your feedback on the drills and how they might be improved. Email me at or phone/text at 0418 215 049 Thanks


Isolation, whether physical or psychological, starves the human spirit; connection feeds and heals it’ Paul Rogat Loeb

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