Ask this question after every senior exec meeting
One of the way to score yourself, after you’ve delivered a presentation to a group of senior executives, is to ask yourself this question:
“Have I instilled confidence in the senior executives?”
That’s it.
Aim to improve your strike-rate in being able to confidently answer “Yes” to the above question.
Consciously or unconsciously, my field research indicates that senior executives are scoring you on the ‘instilling confidence’ criterion.
And their answer to the question can determine whether they remember you, when opportunities – to be included in high profile projects; to promote you; to advance your career – arise.
Own the Conversation
Implementation idea:
Within the next seven days aim to finish one of your interactions, meetings or presentations with a senior executive, knowing that you instilled confidence in the executive.
p.s. As an added step you might enlist a trusted person and ask them their view on whether you instilled confidence with the senior executives.