Radio Broadcaster Angela Catterns, Voice lesson 3

 In Learning from Luminaries, Media

Michael Kelly
Where do people let themselves down when speaking?”

Angela Catterns
I believe you can work on (developing) your voice. I think that a quiet voice is a disadvantage. I think you have to project – you don’t have to shout – it’s important to speak with confidence, so people are be able to hear you, otherwise what’s the point?

Another tip that I was given if you are speaking to a room of people, is to (literally) walk the room, or at least observe one corner of the room, then the other corner, the walls, so you get in your mind what is the space that you are actually are going to have to fill with your voice. Know the dimensions of the room that you want to fill with your voice.”

The above Q&A contains more wisdom from Angela Catterns during an interview at a recent event. The tip, to walk around a room that you’re to speak in and know its dimensions, is great advice.

Your Call to action/How to apply for this post: The next time you have to deliver a presentation, on the day, get to the room early and ‘walk the room’. Observe the walls, the objects etc that are on the walls.

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