AFR Letters to the editor: Adani myth-making, Glasgow kiss-off, management speak and capitalism

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Michael Kelly’s letter to the editor in the AFR published on 5 December 2018.


Vapid bromides waste of time

Lisa Aronson in ‘The formula for getting the best out of your teams” (December 3) must be in the running for “Trite column of the year”.

The platitudeness phrases/sentences abound: “Teamwork and culture are fundamental to success and creativity”; “Trust to speak openly, honestly and be open to views that initially you may not like”; “It may make you feel vulnerable as a leader, but lean into that” (is Ms Aronson referring to Sheryl Sandberg’s book, without attribution?) Business leaders welcome fresh insight backed by deep thinking. Vapid bromides waste their time.

Original article on the AFR website here.

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