A simple, POWERFUL, daily DRILL to become ARTICULATE
Consider this. You’ll do what you’ve learnt, not what you know.
You may know techniques to become an articulate leader, but there is large gap between knowing techniques – and using the techniques, reflexively.
With that thought in mind, below is a simple, powerful, daily drill that has paid off for my clients in becoming more articulate.
Own the Conversation
Here are the steps to take:
#1 Before you start your workday tomorrow, in a private setting, with the voice recorder, record what you’ll do for the day.
#2 Package your thoughts in an Open, Middle Close format.
Open: ‘Let me share what I’ll do today . . .
Middle: I’ll do x, y, z and then p, q and r. . .
Close: . . . so that’s what I’ll do today’
Aim for about 50 seconds maximum recording time.
#3 Immediately after the making the recording, listen to it and score yourself on how articulate you were. Note any filler words/lack of fillers, mispronunciations/sharp pronunciation, lack of energy in your voice/great voice energy rushing your speech/’owning time etc.
#4 Give yourself a ‘reward’ (a check on a system card, a pat on the back, a fist pump etc)
By consistently doing the drill – over time, you’ll automatically move along the path to becoming more articulate.
(Image by woodsilver from Pixabay)
p.s. In case you missed it, on Tuesday this week I was interviewed on the podcast 10 Things it Took me 50 Years to Learn.
Here’s the 43:14 minute episode titled: All Agreements are with Yourself
Lesson number 4 is: ‘We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful what we pretend to be’. This quote is from the luminary writer Kurt Vonnegut. In the lesson I expand on how you can act on the quote’s message.