
Confident Personal Communications

Module 4

Click to read the script of the module

Let me propose that the first few seconds, of you greeting another person, set an important tone for the remainder of the interaction. Assuming that you meet and greet people every day, it’s important to be good at it.

Here are the key messages to take away for this Module

When greeting a person simultaneously:

  1. Fully face the person
  2. Hold eye contact
  3. Smile

‘Now these steps may seem too simple, in helping you make a strong impression. In fact – they are very powerful – when well executed.

Here’s how now Not to greet a person.

“A good way to make an even strong connection with eye contact, is to note the colour of a person’s eyes when you greet them”

Key Message

When greeting a person simultaneously:

  1. Fully face the person
  2. Hold eye contact
  3. Smile

“Please practice this Module technique first in safe interactions until you’re able to perform it competently

Your tasks

To do right now, or to complete within the next 30 minutes:

Choose a person in your office or someone outside your office that you need to interact with, or that you could ‘create’ an interaction with.

For a person in your office, after you’ve thought of the message or question, make a plan to face them, smile, hold eye contact (and perhaps note the colour of their eyes) upon greeting.

Then do the interaction. That’s it. You’re done. You’ve just make an improvement in your communication with that person.

If there is no one you need to interact with in your office, create an interaction. Go out to a nearby café and buy a coffee, or go to a news agent and ask a question about an item. Or say hello to a shop keep you know near your office while you practice the above techniques.

What else could you do to put into practice ideas from this Module? Take 13 seconds to see if an idea pops up. Maybe watch the Module again if you have time.