Podcast interview on “10 Lessons it Took Me 50 Years to Learn”

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I appear on the 43:14 minute podcast 10 Lessons it Took Me 50 Years to Learn – wisdom for career and life.

Please listen on the player below to learn why all agreements start with yourself.

Thanks in advance for listening.

Episode Notes

Lesson 1: Every person is fighting a battle that I know nothing about 05m 16s
Lesson 2: Have great respect for high intelligence and culture BUT… 07m 02s
Lesson 3: All agreements are with yourself 10m 16s
Lesson 4: We are what we pretend to be. So therefore… 13m 07
Lesson 5: Show up on time and do what you say you’re going to do 18m 04s
Lesson 6: Complete the task in front of you 20m 46s
Lesson 7: Maximise the number of positive impressions you leave 25m 33s
Lesson 8: Project Energy 31m 17s
Lesson 9: Project Certainty 33m 13s
Lesson 10: Simplicity Sells 36m 14s

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